Main Debates
- What is the link between statelessness and forced displacement?
- Is statelessness determination a pre-condition of providing international protection to stateless persons?
- What are the common elements of and differences between refugee status determination and statelessness determination? What are the pros and cons of a joint determination of these conditions?
- Can/should a distinction be drawn between ’in situ’ and ’migrant’ stateless persons and what does this mean in terms of states’ obligations?
- How has the concept of de facto statelessness been (mis-) used and why is this contested? Are there any specific arguments for its continued use?
Main Points
- Human rights law addresses rights of stateless persons and right to nationality, but UN statelessness conventions form the only legal regimes specifically tailored towards statelessness
- Statelessness determination as cornerstone of protection for stateless persons in migration context; challenge of proving the absence of nationality
- The meaning of statelessness-specific protection as an emerging paradigm of international protection
- Stateless persons may be in ‘own country’: addressing nationality problem vs. providing (international) protection
- Forced displacement as cause and consequence of statelessness; heightened vulnerability of stateless persons to human rights abuses
- State sovereignty in regulation of nationality constrained by principal of avoidance of statelessness
- Powerful imagery of the notion of de facto statelessness vs. lack of an international legal regime
- United Nations, Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 360 U.N.T.S. 117, 28 September 1954.
- United Nations, Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, 989 U.N.T.S. 175, 30 August 1961.
Soft Law
- UNHCR, ’Handbook on Protection of Stateless Persons’, 30 June 2014.
- A. Edwards, and L. van Waas, Nationality and Statelessness under International Law, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 1-43; 64-143.
- A. Edwards, and L. van Waas, “Statelessness” in E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, , G. Loescher, K. Long, and N. Sigona, (eds), Handbook in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. 290-301.
- European Network on Statelessness, ‘Statelessness Determination and the Protection Status of Stateless Persons’, 2013.
- G. Gyulai, 'Statelessness in the EU Framework for International Protection', European Journal of Migration and Law, vol.14 (2012) pp. 279–295; 285-289.